I'm confused about 2D standard pipeline and ShaderGraph

So, I just created a project, when creating it I chouse 2D. Then I imported ShaderGraph and for some reason shaders, created in it are not “compatible with the current pipeline”, what? I’m on standard pipeline and created a standard unlit graph, what I was doing wrong? It’s really confusing. Screenshot by Lightshot Using 2019.1.8f1

ShaderGraph is not compatible with the standard pipeline. It only works with a Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP). You have to switch either to the predefined Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP), High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) or create your own.

For more information see this blog post:

Shader Graph is designed to work with
another Unity 2018.1 feature:
Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP).
Therefore, you can’t use it with the
Built-In Unity Renderer.

Also see this documentation