I'm creating an array but i'm having troubles on the movimentation within the array. To create a queue

I’m using Unity3D, my array contains 7 GameObjects, they queued on a line." I need help to write the funtion “SimpleMov” to make the first object assume the 7th position, the 2 object to assume the 1 position, etc.

On Unity the gameobjects are associated on unity’s interface, the arrays are full with 7 positions each.

i would like your help to make the function move this objects. Thank you.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class StairsController : MonoBehaviour {

    public GameObject[] degrau;
    Vector3[] positionArray = new Vector3[7];

    private int i = 6;
    private int a = 6;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start () {
        positionArray [i-6] = degrau[a-6].transform.position; 
        Debug.Log (positionArray [i-6]);

        positionArray [i-5] = degrau[a-5].transform.position;
        Debug.Log (positionArray [i-5]);

        positionArray [i-4] = degrau[a-4].transform.position;
        Debug.Log (positionArray [i-4]);

        positionArray [i-3] = degrau[a-3].transform.position;
        Debug.Log (positionArray [i-3]);

        positionArray [i-2] = degrau[a-2].transform.position;
        Debug.Log (positionArray [i-2]);

        positionArray [i-1] = degrau[a-1].transform.position;
        Debug.Log (positionArray [i-1]);

        positionArray  *= degrau[a].transform.position;*

Debug.Log (positionArray );

public void SimpleMov (){
degrau [a].transform.position = positionArray [i - 1];

Don’t initiate in Start because if you need the function many times it won’t work. Also there is no need to int i and a in class. Do all in SimpleMov like this:

void SimpleMov () 
    for(int i=0; i<7; i++)

for(int i=0; i<7; i++)