I'm Dreaming of a 4x Game - Do not know where to start

Ok, I have been typing up the design document of my 4x game for a few hours now. But in all honesty I do not know where to start. I am not new to game design just - I am new to UNITY and a 3d/2d Artist not a programmer.

I guess what I am trying to say is - Is there a Turn Based/RTS Framework that can be expanded upon?

Is there any documentation/VTM that is free and teaches programing or someone who is willing to teach programing?

Thank you for your time

I look forward to everyones responses.

If you dont know how to program, and wish to create a new game (one man team), you better start learning some C# or any other programming language. Even if you find some magical game kit, you still have to navigate through the code and change it to suit your needs. That’s provably harder and take you longer if you dont know how to program and/or read others peoples code. I suggest you to join an existing team or simply start with something simpler than a RTS game.

if you search for C# on amazon you will find a plentitude of books that teach you programming

I am a 3d artist and I learned unity c# in a bit more than a month. Without any books. Just some google + documentation.

I think AI is essential in 4x games, and probably the most difficult part. There are many 4x games out there but not so many with believable computer opponents. I’d love to know how 4x ai works.

I’d advise to learn basic java, once you know it, youll pick up c#, then c/c++. Honestly its easy, you learn the loops, variables, doubles, floats, ifs, cases, vectors, transforms, rotations… its ALL in the unity documentations… google a specific aspect like transform.rotate, and its right there. Some times you can get stuck, but 90% of the times your stuck, others have answered the question, if not… then dont be afraid to open a new thread!

Good luck!

Start small. A script that duplicates a game object. Or a single variable that controls the position of 50 objects. Than make some UI, a single button that does something ingame. Maybe work on how the camera rotates, how how something is selected.

Start small and work your way up. If you get frustrated lean back and reaccess it. If a script is just not working, rewrite the section. If you want to work on graphics, work on graphics.

But if you really want to get progress on that 4x game, setup the very basics of what needs to be done. Camera, UI, selection, production. After that you could add AI, or resources. Than fighting. Than more production. Than better camera, ectect.

I may not be up on the current acronyms, but what the hell is a 4x game?

eXplore - eXpand - eXploit - eXterminate (i think)

Atleast this what I always assumed. Sins of the solar empire, Civilization, Elemental are some recent mainstream eXamples :slight_smile:

It’s a pretty old term, but usually just means a grand strategy game where you grow an empire and (try to) destroy other empires.

To be realistic, go to collaboration forum and try to team up there.
A RTS or TBS is not completely impossible for a lonewolf, but something you take exclusive credit is not worth the effort.
Also a team has better chance to deliver compare to lone dev.