why am I getting values like -1.211474E -1 from transform.eulerAngles?
this happens specifically with 2 rotations and one 0
note that while as a whole the right values show up if brought up indiviually the 0 is replaced with the crazy number
these are the results running these 4 debugs
This is floating point slang for “very zero”. 
You can disregard that, such rounding errors are normal. The UI seems to have actually clamped that value to 0. The only time you should be vary of these is when continuing to calculate with values that have slight rounding errors as these can add up.
In that sense, getting eulers from quaternions, modifying them, and putting them back is likely to cause issues on top of that because they can’t express all kinds of rotations without ambiguity. Hence the use of quaternions to represent rotations in 3d space.
I think it’d be more informative to say it’s scientific notation.
-1.207418E-06 as is in your screenshot, OP, translates to -0.000001207418 as a literal number.
You can find various websites that can do the conversion for you: Scientific Notation Converter
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