I'm gonna stop using Unity.

I spent one hour looking for the Vector2.left but then I found out I have to use -Vector2.right.

Wow, that’s worse than the splash screen!

Allright. Hope you don’t run into any of that in other engines.
Best of luck.

Wow, really? That bothers you that much?

Why don’t you just create a static member somewhere and use that:

public const Vector2 left = -Vector2.right;

That’s the most trivial whinge I’ve ever seen here. If you can’t handle using -Vector2.right you may as well give up game development right now.


jk right?

Guys I think he’s onto something.

BRB evaluating my life.

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Please, leave the door open on your way out. There are a few more folk that might leave that way too.

Insert suitable rant here. I’m to tired to come up with anything.

Best of luck with your future career. For reference if I want fries I’ll ask for them.

Who are you to say I must drop game development?


That’s exactly 3x the amount of effort of a simple ‘Vector2.left’.
Let me spell that out for you: If I spent 1 hour writing "-Vector2.right’, it would take me three hours writing


Less pointless threads please.