im having a problem lerping text color between 2 color

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;

public class CharacterStats : MonoBehaviour

    private CharacterController characterController { get { return GetComponent<CharacterController>(); } set { characterController = value; } }
    private RagdollManager ragdollManager { get { return GetComponentInChildren<RagdollManager>(); } set { ragdollManager = value; } }
    public PlayerUI UI { get { return GetComponent<PlayerUI>(); } set { UI = value; } }

    private CharacterStats stats;
    private Weapon wp { get { return GetComponent<Weapon>(); } set { wp = value; } }

    private GameController gc{get{return GetComponent<GameController>();} set {gc = value;}}

    [Range(0, 100)]
    public int CurrentHealth = 100;

    public int Highheal = 100;

    public int Midheal = 50;

    public int Lowheal = 25;

    public int MaxHealth = 100;

    public int faction;

    public MonoBehaviour[] scriptsToDisable;

    public Image damageImage;

    public Image healImage;

    public float healFlashSpeed = 10f;

    public Color healFlashColor = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 1f);

    public float flashSpeed = 5f;

    public Color flashColor = new Color(1f, 0f, 0f, 0.5f);

    bool damage;

    bool heal;

    public Color LowHealth =;

    public Color FullHealth =;

    void Awake()
        CurrentHealth = MaxHealth;
        CurrentHealth = Mathf.Clamp(CurrentHealth, 0, 100);

    void Start()

    void Update()
        if (gameObject.tag == "Player")
            if (heal)
                healImage.color = healFlashColor;

                healImage.color = Color.Lerp(healImage.color, Color.clear, healFlashSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

            heal = false;

        if (gameObject.tag == "Player")
            if (damage)
                damageImage.color = flashColor;
                damageImage.color = Color.Lerp(damageImage.color, Color.clear, flashSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            damage = false;

    public void Damage(int amount)
        damage = true;

        CurrentHealth -= amount;

        if (CurrentHealth <= 0)
    public void Die()
        characterController.enabled = false;

        if (scriptsToDisable.Length == 0)
        foreach (MonoBehaviour script in scriptsToDisable)
            script.enabled = false;
        if (ragdollManager != null)
            Destroy(gameObject, Random.Range(4f, 5f));

        if(gameObject.tag == "Player")
            if(CurrentHealth <=0)
                gc.LastCheckPointPos = transform.position;

    public void HighHeal()
        if(gameObject.tag == "Player")
            if (CurrentHealth > 100)

            if(CurrentHealth < 100)
            CurrentHealth = Highheal;
            heal = true;

    public void MidHeal()
        if(gameObject.tag == "Player")
            CurrentHealth += Midheal;
            heal = true;

    public void LowHeal()
        if(gameObject.tag == "Player")
            CurrentHealth += Lowheal;
            heal = true;

    public void healthColorChange()
        if(gameObject.tag == "Player")
            UI.HealthText.color = Color.Lerp(FullHealth, LowHealth, CurrentHealth);

then this is my player UI

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class PlayerUI : MonoBehaviour
public Text ammoText;
public Text HealthText;

Looking at your code, I don’t see you updating healFlashSpeed anywhere. So it looks like you are giving the lerp that takes that time value pretty much the same value every frame. You should change it each frame like so:

healFlashSpeed = healFlashSpeed + Time.deltaTime;

Plus the t value of color.lerp is clamped to 0-1… If you pass a value equal to or more than 1, you will always get the end result (second color passed). To have the interpolation work properly, you need to treat 1 as if it is 100 percent, so 0.25f is 25 percent, 0.5f is 50 percent, etc. But I see that you are starting with a healFlashSpeed of 20f which is going to show 100 percent because its over 1.0f