I'm having a problem with asset import for my junior programmer course

i cant eng, but need help plz

i am start learn Junior Programmer

This is where I’m stuck.

Home > Pathways > Junior Programmer
Lesson 1.1 - Start your 3D Engines step2

  1. Download the [Prototype 1 Starter Files]

  2. then extract the compressed folder. Windows: Right-click on the file > Extract All. Mac: Double-click on the file.

  3. Import the asset package into your Unity project For a reminder on how to import packages, you can reference this tutorial.

  4. In the Project window, in Assets > Scenes > double-click on the Prototype 1 scene to open it.

  5. Delete the Sample Scene without saving.

  6. Right-click and drag to look around at the start of the road.

i do import asset package and open the Prototype 1 scene
but all PINK! i dont know why?
how can i fix it

There is also an ImportFBX Warnings issue

The problem was with the file in the Korean translation page.
Files downloaded from English pages are no problem

The problem was with the file in the Korean translation page.
Files downloaded from English pages are no problem