I'm having an issue with making my model appear. How do I fix it?

I created a model in blender and imported it to unity, the first time I did it was working e scene window. and I could see it in the scene but I got an error message so I deleted the model and try to re-add it. The second time there was no error message but it was not working. I can view my model in the inspector when I have it selected, I can also see all the animations, but when I drag it into the scene it does not appear, I tried scaling but it is not there.

The original error message was something like “Reported Check that the OnInteractive Preview GUI function only updates the Animator on Repaint events. delta does not match progression of time unity” but I didn’t get it the second time. 131228-093657.jpg

I checked the normals and they’re all pointing out, other models seems to be working, I checked the layers, I scaled multiple times, and tried to press F to focus. all I see is a cube with the xyz arrows.

DiligentGear’s answer had the answer for me in this.
Under the Inspector on the Asset, Import Settings, Model, Scale Factor was set to 0.01. Setting the scale factor to 1, and my model appeared!

Firstly, when importing from blender you don’t have to export the file to an .fbx Unity can translate it itself.

Be very sure that when you save your .blend file that you are in object mode otherwise Unity is not able to import it.

When you have added your model to your assets check that the scale is set to 1.

To be able to use animations click on the file in Unity, go to the Rig section and set the Animation type to Legacy, the Generation to “Store in Root”

Then under Animation check “Import Animation” and select your warp mode
