I'm instantiating a prefab after its last instance is destroyed and I'm getting errors!

So I have this enemy object that destroys itself upon colliding with my player game object. After doing so, I refer to the following script for what to do afterwards:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Respawn : MonoBehaviour {
		public GameObject enemy;
		public float respawnTimer;
		public float noCount;
		public Transform[] SpawnPoints;
		void Start(){
			noCount = 1;
		respawnTimer = 3;
		// Update is called once per frame
		void Update () {

			//Spawning and Respawning
			if (noCount < 1) {
			respawnTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
			if (respawnTimer <= 0) {
			respawnTimer = 3;
			Spawn ();

		void Spawn()
			if (noCount < 1) 
				int spawnIndex = Random.Range (0, SpawnPoints.Length);
				GameObject clone = Instantiate (enemy, SpawnPoints [spawnIndex].position, SpawnPoints [spawnIndex].rotation) as GameObject; 

				noCount += 1;

With this script, I’ve been getting an error saying that I’m referring to a destroyed game object, however, last I checked, I set “enemy” as a prefab in the inspector, so shouldn’t this be working? Or am I dumb and I need to do something else in the script?

As a side note, don’t worry about the noCount variable, it does indeed become less than one, but that is done via another script.

Everything does appear like it should be working.

Are you sure you’re not accidentally destroying the Respawn.enemy gameobject, or accidentally overwriting it with an instantiated enemy somewhere else in your code?

BTW if your “noCount” is a counter of enemies of some sort, use integer type, not float.