I'm new to programming please help

I am receiving this error message and I can’t find any other posts or youtube videos on this so I’m stuck… Anyways this is the first thing i am programming, and I am going off a youtube series by Brackeys. All of my code is the same as his with a few minor differences because I named some things differently and to reference them I changed their names in the code. This error only pops up when I play the scene and hit an object with the obstacle tag. I can press clear and the error will go away, and I can play again but the next time I hit an obstacle it appears again.

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A null reference exception occurs when you try to dereference a variable–that is, when you put a dot at the end of the variable name, “myVariable.something”–but the variable doesn’t have a valid value (its value is “null”, which is a default/placeholder value).

In Unity, if it happens with a “public” variable, it usually means you forgot to assign that variable in the Unity inspector. You probably missed a step where the tutorial asked you to drag some other component into the “movement” variable here.

It worked thank you!