I’m Kajamaz, I’ve developed and worked on different game projects for years, ever since middle school (good times with gamemaker). I work IT, am a University student on my third year, and have recently began studying unity. One of my game projects is EverEmber Online (http://www.everember.com/). I’m joining this community to meet some great developers, ask for a helping hand, and to premier my projects. I have ideas for two projects, one which seems much more achievable than the other. I’m planning on making a multiplayer game similar to rust minus the building and in medieval settings.
I want to ask a few questions. #1. I want to purchace two primary assets for the development of the games i have planned, Gaia (Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making) and Third Person Controller Melee (Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making). I believe I can do a lot with these assets, are they worth purchasing? I want to incorporate a multiplayer game using these assets, and i’m concerned how player sync will work with the controller.
#2. I am a horrible 3d artist, I wanted to know if there is a website where I can get really cheap 3d models for a fantasy game, because I’ve been looking around for rpg assets with knights and archers that have changeable armor. That’s my biggest concern, interchangeable armor.
#3. Is there a mmo styled tutorial for setting up sync between players and server management.
#4. Is there a thread for assembling a team and looking for people to work on projects with?
Thanks! I hope to excel in unity, and help people once I get antiquated enough.
Shows $6,300 to hire a team or make it myself in about 2 months. I am assuming 2 months is for 40 hour workweeks so that’d be about 350 hours. Which translates to a little over a year work very part-time as I am (about 5 hours per week). I wouldn’t be surprised if that was fairly accurate.
Actually, I have been considering maybe hiring out some work and this makes me think it’d be much simpler to hire it out. Not that I am going to pay $6k right now for the game to be developed but in general I have to say the idea of paying someone $6k sounds a whole lot better than the idea of myself spending about 350 hours when I could be playing games, watching movies or just vegging out. It’s something to think about at least.
Time is money. Multiply amount of time spent by expected wage for the position that fits your work the most. Then you’ll have development cost of the game. I’d expect at least dozen thousands of usd.
P.S. I gotta say that “state of the art visuals by myself in one month” was amusing.
Unity asset store, turbosquid, blendswap, etc. watch out for restrictions and licenses.
enter “UMA” into search on unity asset store.
Never heard of it, I’d be surprised if it exists, because MMOs are the most expensive games to make. So it would be like “how to build your own space station from scratch” tutorial. There’s client/server information in unity docs, though. http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/UNetClientServer.html
#1 You will have to go on the feedback and check the assets demos, the authors may have a demo version you can try.
#2 You probably need to look at hiring an artist/animator for this. Although it is relatively simple as you only need a clothed or semi-clothed avatar then add clothing as textures and armour as sub components added to specific bones. I would avoid off the shelf artwork as you end up looking like everyone else’s Unity fantasy game with the same assets.
#3 Unet is still being worked on I think, but there are other asset store networking solutions and tutorials, so either wait or try the asset store e.g. Photon.
#4 There are or were collaboration threads but they are odd as they are locked to first post.
That doesn’t change the accuracy of the website being completely non existant, as our game exists, regardless of the lack of budget.
Not to mention I’m pretty sure @hippocoder is not a secret billionaire self funding a massive game project that dwarfs like, all the GTA games budgets combined, because we probably would have heard about that.
Yeah, I understand salaries, hardware, software, and office space are expensive, but this just heavily oversimplifies the process, and often grandly overestimates costs. I’m betting if you put the traits of already existing AAA titles into this, it would massively overstate the budget
Nah course not. But that doesn’t mean it’s not special! I love it and can’t wait to show it when the time is right. I do get asked a fair bit since we’re mysterious people.
So if it could be done by yourself in a week and a team is helping you and you all have been on it at varying levels of intensity since the beginning of the year that makes the amount of time spent even with just three people (a team is not two people unless you are bragging as that is partners) means that everybody has put less than 1.5 hours a month hours into it since then. Dedicated team you got there. Carry on.
It doesn’t matter if you have money. If you spent time making something, it already cost you something. “multiply possible wage by hours” is just a simple way to calculate how much did it cost you.
They’re good assets. You can ask the developers if they play nice or not.
UMA is a generic interchangeable armor system on the asset store, but you should be prepared because it is not for beginners and integration will be involved. Otherwise the Asset Store has plenty of models to use and they all work seamlessly in Unity. You could also get stuff from Turbosquid and the usual outsourcing. Any FBX with Textures will work in Unity.
Drop the MMO ideas.
Post in the collab section of this forum. Read the posting rules as well.
that side is ridiculous before i added vehicles and stuff it was estimated to be something around 400k or 8 years as solo dev or so…when i add vehicles etc. it jumps to 1 mil budget or 19 years whats so special about driving and vehicles lol?XD
Haha, it is broken cos it doesn’t really factor in how much content there is, and it can’t. We’re aiming for a lot of those bullet points but on tiny scales. I want quality, not quantity.
I think the ratio of Beer to Dev costs are at least 10:1
Maybe thats how we make an accurate chart? Estimate how many beers you drink during a week of developing, then scale that up. Or just estimate the price in Beers.
My current game came out at the $1000 and 1 week. Which is about right, I’ve spent half a day on the core. The core requires another half day. Periphials for two days. A day to actually deploy.