I'm new to Unity. I'm unable to change default state in animator

I’m following a course and I should:
" …So we can make this change by right-clicking on the Entry node and
choosing Set StateMachine Default State.
So this will change the default state from Target Idle to the state that we select.
So if I chose this, notice I have a live link now on my mouse,
and if I move it up to Target Spawner and then click,
notice it moved that transition from the Target Idle to the Target Spawner."

When I right click on the Entry node or other node nothing happens…
What I’m doing wrong? Thanks for your help.

maybe thats using older unity version,
i think you can set default animation by right clicking the animation itself.

I’m using Unity 2018.3.0f2, is the last version of Unity

for me right clicking in entry node shows that set default menu option *tested in 2018.3.0f2


you seem to be using Mac though, does right clicking work elsewhere in your unity windows? (like hierarchy and project)

i guess this is the video link (for reference to others)

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Yes, I’m using a Mac. The lecture is the one you referenced.
When I click on Unity over the hierarchy or project tab doesn’t happen anything (I’m not sure this was what you expect me to do)

Solved, I’ve to press the Ctrl and click the mouse at the same time. Thanks mgear, your suggestions made me found the solution :smile:

you should be able to enable regular Right mouse button from Mac mouse settings, it might be disabled by default(?)