I'm searching someone to talk about game programming

I don’t know anyone that have my same passion and I’m searching someone to exchange knowledge with. I’m a junior programmer with 1 year of Unity experience. If you are interested to talk about game programming or to work together in some project, contact me.

Good luck. Most programmers in my experience are very rarely interested in one-on-one discussions when there are entire communities they can engage with. Especially if their goal is to assist others as with a community you can assist many but with private conversations you can only help a few. Speaking of communities we have one here for C#.



location for timing is also a big deal…

Reddit is probably your best bet for general discussion.

Local meetups are a good place to start, they may not be physical right now depending on where you are in the world, but in the small Australian city I live in ( < 100k people) the games dev meetup gets 20 regular people and 50+ on a special event.

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