OK. I am starting to study unity 4.
1st question:
Many tutorials are still on 3.5. Can i use those tutorial?
On digital tutors intro to unity. The teacher use of 3ds model to create an environment? while on lynda it uses the terain editor? Now this is very confusing. You can use the 3ds model to create a terain. So what should i choose? what are the PROs and Cons of using one than the other? Should i rely on terain editor or create my own using 3ds model?
Any guide on where should i start? I mean after completing the beginner tutorial? where should i move next? Lights? animation?
Depends on what model you’re trying to create, if you want to create a terrain, I would suggest to use Unity’s Terrain editor, as it will have a terrain collider associated with it, for anything else you would use your favourite modelling tool, like in this case 3ds Studio Max
Have you tried - Learn ?
No i havent. I use the lynda tutorials. But i guest i should start on the link you gave. thanks.
BTW, about the pros and cons on using a plain 3ds environment?
Let me put it this way, with Unity’s terrain editor you won’t be able to create an apple model, or a house, because it’s only designed for terrain editing + adding some premade tress. So depending on what you want, you choose between those two.
So in short:
- if you want to add terrain + trees on terrain —> use Unity’s terrain editor
- if you want to create custom models (apples, cars, bricks, etc) → use 3ds Max
Hope that helps