I'm stuck again, with an Array

I’m a little stuck here, I’m getting an error … “NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object” on the line 29

var diff = (closestCar*.transform.position - player.transform.position);*

The Start function works fine as I’ve debugged it and passes the found Car GameOjects and prints them out.
private var player : GameObject;
private var theClosestCar : GameObject;
private var gameObjects : GameObject[];
private var closestCar : GameObject[] = new GameObject[10];
private var k : int;
function Start(){
// Find the Player

  • player = GameObject.Find(“First Person Controller”);*

// Search through all GameObjects in the hierarchy for ALL the Cars

  • gameObjects = FindObjectsOfType(GameObject) as GameObject;*
  • for (var i=0; i < gameObjects.length; i++){*
    _ if(gameObjects*.name.Contains(“Car Type”)){_
    _ closestCar[k] = gameObjects; // Pass the found Car to the closestCar array*
    * k++;

function FixedUpdate(){
* Debug.Log(FindClosestCar().name);*

// Find the closest Car
function FindClosestCar() : GameObject {
* var distance = Mathf.Infinity;*

* for (var i=0; i < closestCar.length; i++){*
_ var diff = (closestCar*.transform.position - player.transform.position);
var curDistance = diff.sqrMagnitude;*_

* if (curDistance < distance) {*
_ theClosestCar = closestCar*;
distance = curDistance;
return theClosestCar;

You have two possibilities for the null refrence exeption: either closestCar* is null or player is null. Place a Debug.Log() before the line and see which one it is.*
If it’s the player, then you don’t have a GameObject named “First Person Controller”.
If it’s the closestCar array, then it means you have elements in there that are not initialized. The array is initialized to 10 slots, but you may or may not have 10 cars in the scene. I suggest using a List, or finding out how many cars you have in the scene before initializing the closestCar array.