Since apparently Unity 2D still lacks tiled sprites, I’m tyring to create a class which takes a normal Sprite and tiles it using custom dimentions.
It doesn’t crash, but doesn’t yield results either: I just get an empty sprite apparently.
The transform position is correct (unaltered), I do use Apply, and the new width is multiple of the original one. Now I’m clueless about what could be the problem.
Hint: I’m >>>NOT<<< talking about atlases, which now are natively supported, I’m talking about having a single sprite and displaying tiled multiple times (which might be supported in future, but currently apparently isn’t)
Here’s the script, can anybody help?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class TiledSprite : MonoBehaviour
public int width,height;
private SpriteRenderer renderer;
private Sprite originalSprite;
void Awake ()
// crea il nuovo Sprite
Texture2D target = new Texture2D(width,height);
int ow = originalSprite.texture.width;
int oh = originalSprite.texture.height;
Color32[] pixOrig = originalSprite.texture.GetPixels32();
Color32[] pixDest = new Color32[width*height];
int osize=ow*oh,dsize=width*height;
int cur=0;
while (cur<dsize)
for (int cur2=0; cur2<osize; cur2++)
Sprite newSprite = Sprite.Create(target,new Rect(0,0,width,height),new Vector2(width/2,height/2));