Im trying to instantiate prefab from an array but get a confusing response...(this prefab will be consumed by the player meaning it needs to be instantiated multiple times)

public class ChaseRabbit : MonoBehaviour
private Transform position;
public GameObject vegArray;
public int vegLimit = 10;
public GameObject veg;

     void Start()
	Vector3 position = new Vector3(Random.Range(0.0f, 50.0f), 0, Random.Range(0.0f, 50.0f));
	vegArray = new GameObject[vegLimit];
    void Update()

{ for (intI =0; I<vegLimit;i++) { vegArray *= Instantiate (veg, position, Quaternion.identity) as GameObject;* *//Here I am told that “Cannot convert UnityEngine.Quaternion to “bool”” any ideas??*

  •   }*


Mind the overloads:



I realised I had to put the random range in the update function