The title says it all. I need to make my cursor be limited to a certain range around a gameObject.
Apparently, Unity can’t make the literal mouse cursor be restrained to an area (only to being stuck to the middle of the screen), so I tried making a gameObject that would always be at mouse position, but that won’t work at all.
void Update()
transform.position = Input.mousePosition;
I’ve tried ScreenToWorldPoint too, but that won’t work either.
public Camera cam;
void Start()
void Update()
transform.position = cam.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition);
Besides the cursor needing to follow the mouse, there’s also the limited range factor. I have a script I’ve used for some other stuff that I’m trying to apply to the cursor but haven’t yet.
public float radius = 0f; // Maximum distance.
public GameObject bound; // Object this one is bound to.
float distance = 0f; // Actual distance.
void Start()
void Update()
distance = Vector2.Distance(transform.position, bound.transform.position);
if(distance > radius)
transform.position = (transform.position - bound.transform.position).normalized * radius + bound.transform.position;