Im trying to make an Timer within a for loop, cant figure it out.


I am trying to make a timer inside a for loop.
What i want to get out of it, is that every second, it instantiates an enemy, than wait a second, than instantiate, than wait a second, etc. etc.

But i can’t figure out where and how to put the timer inside,
Could you please be so kind to give me an example.

can someone help me, this is my code :

void SpawnEnemy() {
		getwave = GameObject.Find ("HUDObject").GetComponent<HUDScript>();
		if(getwave.waveNumber == 1){
		for (int i = 0; i < waveOne.Length; i ++){
			Instantiate(waveOne*, new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, transform.position.z), transform.rotation);*
  •  	}	*
  •  }	*

You could use either InvokeRepeating or a coroutine.

A loop like that will just hog up the processor time.

So using a coroutine:

IEnumerator SpawnEnemy(float timeBetweenEnemies) {
   getwave = GameObject.Find ("HUDObject").GetComponent<HUDScript>();
   if(getwave.waveNumber == 1){
   for (int i = 0; i < waveOne.Length; i ++){
     Instantiate(waveOne*, transform.position, transform.rotation);*

yield return new WaitForSeconds(timeBetweenEnemies);
Then start it like this:
StartCoroutine(SpawnEnemy(1)); //This way you could make enemies faster on some levels