Image effects not showing in the editor camera


I have a problem since I updated to 5.6. The camera of the editor doesn’t show the image effects that the main camera is rendering. I tried the following :

  • Disable/Enable image effects in the gizmos
  • Using post stack effects rather than those included in the Standard Asset pack
  • Reimport all my assets

After all of that it still doesn’t work. Can someone help me ?

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Hi, can you confirm that you’re followed these steps…

  1. Import the latest Post-Processing Stack Unity Package (Link Below)
  2. Add a Post-Processing Behaviour to your camera (Component Menu / Effects / Post-Processing Behaviour)
  3. Create a Post-Processing Profile (Project Pane / Create / Post Processing Profile)
  4. Add the new Profile to the Behaviour profile slot
  5. Select the new profile in the project Pane and select the required effect(s)

Unity-PostProcessing-1.0.1.unitypackage (31.1MB)

I did that, and it still doesn’t work. The game camera doesn’t have problems displaying it, it’s the scene camera that have problems, where it doesn’t work at all.

Here’s a screenshot of the problem, notice how the scene camera lacks the bloom and ambient occlusion :

I have the exact same problem. It went smoothly until I updated to 5.6. Since then I lost the image effects from the stack.

After a search around various forums, it seems that this was a known issue in the pre-release version of 5.6. I can only assume that a patch will arrive soon.

Alright, thank you, I hope it will come soon because I honestly can’t really work without it

toggle skybox fog, and various other effects, select post processing stack.

in settings to left and above editor window