Image Tracker issues in ARCore 1.3.0

I downloaded ARCore SDK to 1.3.0 and the latest update from the Play Store.
In previews version the Image Tracker worked fine.
But in the current version even if it recognize the image, the next frame there’s already large drift, even if the phone stays in place, and after a few frames there’s a need to locate the marker again…

Did it happen to more people?

I’m using Samsung Galaxy S7

Yes it’s not so stable as for example Vuforia, but I’m not sure if that’s intended. I did notice that using normal photo’s track better then for example AR marker like shapes or patterns. The earth image in the example does a pretty good job compared to just black and white patterns as well it’s added faster to the imag library than a black/white simple marker.

Where you ablo to fix the bad drifting? If so I’m curious what improved it. =)

I have this problem can anyone help me?

I’m also struggling with this issue…