Tried to look what I was doing wrong and couldn’t find it so I am gonna ask instead. New to Unity so sorry if it’s something obvious.
So I was experimenting with making an Android AR App, it would have a menu scene and a work scene where the actual AR part would be, tried out and the image tracking was working so I went to work on the scenes and canvas, then when I tried again the image stopped being tracked, I tried everything I could try to try to fix things and it refused to go back to tracking, I undid everything I created since the first succesful image tracking test and tried again and it still refused to track the image.
So I created another project and tried again without managing multiple scenes, did the image tracking test and it worked so I started working on canvases instead, with a script to manage change between them. Tried again to track the image and it didn’t work, even after I deleted all the canvases and created a new image target, it still refused to track. So I am lost on what to do because all the configs looked identical and I didn’t mess with anything there.
Oh and the image tracking tests I tried was just attaching a simple text to the image at first, then I added a script that would close the app to the OnFound() option of the Image Target. Doing this on Vuforia if it matters.