Image Tracking stopped working

Tried to look what I was doing wrong and couldn’t find it so I am gonna ask instead. New to Unity so sorry if it’s something obvious.

So I was experimenting with making an Android AR App, it would have a menu scene and a work scene where the actual AR part would be, tried out and the image tracking was working so I went to work on the scenes and canvas, then when I tried again the image stopped being tracked, I tried everything I could try to try to fix things and it refused to go back to tracking, I undid everything I created since the first succesful image tracking test and tried again and it still refused to track the image.

So I created another project and tried again without managing multiple scenes, did the image tracking test and it worked so I started working on canvases instead, with a script to manage change between them. Tried again to track the image and it didn’t work, even after I deleted all the canvases and created a new image target, it still refused to track. So I am lost on what to do because all the configs looked identical and I didn’t mess with anything there.

Oh and the image tracking tests I tried was just attaching a simple text to the image at first, then I added a script that would close the app to the OnFound() option of the Image Target. Doing this on Vuforia if it matters.

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Having had an idea and done an experiment, my problem appeared to have been limited to the patch button not compiling things right and that being why the image tracking wasn’t working, leaving this comment here in case anyone else has the same problem. Just doing a normal build and then install fixed things for me.