Images in Canvas will not show

Hey everyone, so i just started adding images to my canvas. Made a left and right arrow which will eventually be used to control the player. As you can see in the image, they are visible both in the scene view and game view. When I build the game and open it on my phone, no images. My game is set to 16:10 Landscape, both images anchored to bottom left of screen (with slight revisions) and size can be seen in the inspector. When i play the game in Unity, they work perfectly and always stay in that exact same spot when the player moves. I know I have the opacity on the images down but I cant see anything. They are PNG file type. Any ideas what it could be?

You need to add the “Canvas Scaler” component to the canvas, set the UI Scale Mode on the component to “scale with screen size”

Your actual canvas should be set to Render Mode: screen space overlay.

Now drag the anchors apart so they fit around your element, with enough space so the image can resize on different devices.


Have you tried changing the game view to “Free Aspect” and played a little bit with the screen to see if the canvas disappears?

I solved this issue by making pixel perfect false on the canvas