Immediate editor inside unity

I found code herefor a C# immediate window to run inside unity editor, but could not get it to work. (Error running gmcs: Cannot find the specified file)
I hacked around a bit with paths and compilers but couldn’t get it. Could anyone lend a hand?

(I’m just learning C# and have a free community edition Visual Studio where I see there is also a non-working “immediate window”. - or - user error? Either way … inside of unity would be the bomb. Thanks all for the community, it helps with the learning! )


I spent my time to make this cool script. It runs even during edit mode but is not exactly what you wanted but I hope its ok. Btw you need to add it to a gameObject but it could be an empty gameObject. Then just drag the script on it and do what you wish. Cheers:


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using UnityEditor;

public class ImmediateWindow : MonoBehaviour
    public List<string> codeToUse;

    //The new scripts name
    public string scriptName;

    public void UpdateScript()
        //This is the directory where the file will be put
        string directoryLocation = Application.dataPath + "\\";

        //Clears the file for re-writing
        File.WriteAllText(directoryLocation + scriptName + ".cs", string.Empty);

        //This writes the new file but it will be empty
        using (StreamWriter newWriter = new StreamWriter(directoryLocation + scriptName + ".cs", true))
            //The rest of this writes what you want your file to contain
            newWriter.WriteLine("using UnityEngine;");

            //This is an empty line because I like having spaces :D

            //Here is the thing that writes the public script class
            newWriter.WriteLine("public class " + scriptName + " : MonoBehaviour {");

            //Another lovely space ;)

            //This reads the list of strings
            for (int i = 0; i < codeToUse.Count; i++)
                //This writes each new string in to the file


//The ending curlie bracket of the class

//Tells us the class is done writing
Debug.Log(“Writing Of Script Done!”);

//This makes that cool update button
//It references the class we made

//This is our editor class that references Editor
//So we can edit and put our button in the Editor
public class ImmediateWindowEditor : Editor
//This overrides the Inspector’s GUI for editing
public override void OnInspectorGUI()
//This draws how the inspector looks already

//This references the class we made
ImmediateWindow window = (ImmediateWindow)target;

//This makes our cool button and says if we press it
if (GUILayout.Button(“UpdateScript”))
//Update our script

//Refresh all the assets so the script loads properly

must go in editor folder. pardon my hacky code, nowhere near as nice as yours.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class CWindow : EditorWindow
// script text
private string scriptText = “UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Hello World");” ;

// reusable script file to store C# 
string scriptName = "CWindowTemp";

//the new script to execute
private MonoBehaviour mb ;

//a root object where we park the temporary MonoBehaviour component
private GameObject go;

// position of scroll view
private Vector2 scrollPos;

void OnGUI()

    // start the scroll view
    scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos);

    // show the script field
    string newScriptText = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(scriptText, GUILayout.Height(position.height - 10));

    // close the scroll view

    if (newScriptText != scriptText)
        // if the script changed, update our cached version and null out our cached method
        scriptText = newScriptText;

    // store if the GUI is enabled so we can restore it later
    bool guiEnabled = GUI.enabled;

    // disable the GUI if the script text is empty
        GUI.enabled = guiEnabled && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptText);

    // show the execute button
    if (GUILayout.Button("Run"))

        // restore the GUI
        GUI.enabled = guiEnabled;

}// onGui

static void Init()
    //var window = GetWindow(EditorGUILayoutTextArea);

    // get the window, show it, and hand it focus
    var window = GetWindow<CWindow>("CWindow", false);

public void UpdateScript(string scriptText)
    //This is the directory where the file will be put
    //string directoryLocation = Application.dataPath + System.IO.Path.PathSeparator;
    string directoryLocation = Application.dataPath + "/Scripts/";

    //Clears the file for re-writing
    File.WriteAllText(directoryLocation + "CWindowTemp.cs", string.Empty);

    //This writes the new file but it will be empty
    using (StreamWriter newWriter = new StreamWriter(directoryLocation + "CWindowTemp.cs", true))
        //The rest of this writes what you want your file to contain
        newWriter.WriteLine(string.Format(scriptFormat, scriptText));

    //Tells us the class is done writing
    Debug.Log(Application.dataPath + "  Done!");

    //Refresh all the assets so the script loads properly

    // Get the root object 
    go = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().GetRootGameObjects()[0];

    mb = go.AddComponent<CWindowTemp>();

    mb.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInInspector;

    //enabling the behaviour will trigger the OnEnabled method with our code
    mb.enabled = true;
    mb.enabled = false; 

// here is a template for your scripting... add or delete as needed
static readonly string scriptFormat = @"

using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Linq;

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

using basil.util;

public class CWindowTemp : MonoBehaviour
public void OnEnable()
// user code goes here
