Immediate iOS crash - il2cpp::vm::Class::IsSubclassOf

Hi All !

After porting game to Unity 5.3 game crashes immediately after splash screen on some devices .
Game is crashing at 100% at iPhone 6+ with iOS 8.4. Game crashed 10 times at iPad mini 2 with iOS 8.1.3 and then it started working and never crashed again.

Game was tested at 7 iOS devices, crashes were occured only on 2 of them.


Can you submit a bug report for this issue and let me know the bug report number? It looks like a problem we should correct. Thanks.

Yes, I submitted it yesterday: 752737.
Thanks !


Thanks for submitting this bug report, we will investigate it.

We got the same crash on Unity5.3.0f4. I am now rebuilding our client with Unity5.3.0f2 in order to check whether it was on that version too.

Christian Tellefsen


Thanks, please let us know the results.

Built the client on 5.3.0f2 from the exact same source and it did not crash.


We had the crash on both an old iPhone5, and a brand new iPad Mini (the 2 devices we tested), on Unity 5.3.0f4, every time.
We had no crash on the same devices on 5.3.0f2.

@ChrTellefsen @wawro1

It looks like we have corrected this issue internally. It seems to be an intermittent problem, and unfortunately we don’t have a work around. However, the fix should be available in the 5.3.0p2 release, which is scheduled for Wednesday of next week.

Thank Josh :slight_smile: So date will be 23.12 ?


Yes, December 23 is the planned date for 5.3.0p2 now. It is possible that the release will slip, but we will try to avoid that.

OK, thank you very much! :smile: