Immersive and beautiful VR graphics

Hello, I’m working on a VR project where I want to achieve the most satisfying result in VR. The project will be a small Zen garden with weather changes, real-time lighting, and some particle effects. I was wondering if you could share some advice on how to ensure good performance.

Some things I’m already considering include using Forward+ rendering for lighting, combining meshes in objects, and using occlusion culling. What other tips would you recommend? I’m also curious if there’s a way to avoid losing shadow projection when using occlusion culling. The only solution I can think of is using a lower-quality model.

I’ve also thought about using Amplify for shaders and leveraging Unity’s URP for post-processing and volumetric lighting. Lastly, does anyone know a way to simulate a pond with fluid physics? I’m open to suggestions, even those involving DOTS and ECS

Fake and bake everything you can.
For water, don’t simulate it but just have a 2D water estimation.
For volumetrics don’t calculate it, but fake it with faded textures.
You might be able to blend scenarios with APV. Or make a scene per scenario (static geometry in 1 scene, dynamic objects in the other).
DOTS can definitely help, but will add a LOT of work usually.

Also on standalone devices, accept the fact that it will degrade quality. You can use some platform specific features like application spacewarp, FFR, and dynamic resolution.

And profile every change to see the performance impact.

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