Impact point on a GameObject?

Hello, I’m making a clone of Arkanoid/Brick Breaker and I want the ball to bounce in a particular direction depending on how close is to the right or left border of the paddle.
I thought that, in order to do so, I need the impact point of the ball ON the GameObject paddle, I have tried this:

function OnCollisionEnter2D (collision : Collision2D)	{

	if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Ball" ) {
	var contact : Vector2;
	contact = collision.contacts[0].point;


But what I am getting is the impact point on the ENTIRE scene not on the GameObject paddle. What solution do you suggest? Thanks in advance.

You could check the distance on just 1 axis (the axis of the paddle width) between the center of the paddle and the impact point. You know the size of the paddle on that axis, and you know the distance from the impact point to the center, so you can do all your calculations using those values.

In order to check if it is to the left or right of the paddle center, you could use this.