I have been completely unsuccessful in implementing Microsoft Windows Local Toast Notification, Unity completely ignores the package and constantly throws errors.
Has anyone had success with adding the Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications package to their Unity project?
I followed the Windows guide here Send a local toast notification from a C# app - Windows apps | Microsoft Learn
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I’m encountering a similar issue here. From my research, it seems that it cannot be implemented properly in Unity. This is because ‘Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications’ requires .NET 6 to work properly [for example Show()’ needs it ,as it was mentioned in Microsoft Docs '], and Unity doesn’t support it (the latest version supported is .NET 4). I’ve encountered errors indicating compatibility or missing problems. I assume that’s why we’re facing this issue. It would be great if someone could help us clarify this and correct me if I’ve come to the wrong conclusion.
Are you making Windows Standalone app or UWP app?
In case of the later, have a look at Unity - Scripting API: Toast