Implicit Downcast warning.

Hello everyone.

Since a while I get this warning

Assets/#Scripts/Player.js(32,35): BCW0028: WARNING: Implicit downcast from ‘UnityEngine.Component’ to ‘UnityEngine.AudioSource’.

And here is my code:

private var SND_toggle_item :AudioSource;

function Start()

// audio sources
var factory = gameObject.GetComponents(AudioSource);
SND_toggle_item = factory[6];


What do I need to change in order to get rid of this warning?

You could explicitly downcast it, if you wanna get rid of that warning.

Instead of casting the thing, just use the generic explicit type-defining GetComponent, like:

var factory : AudioSource[] = gameObject.GetComponents.<AudioSource>();

You shouldn’t need to cast, after that point.

GetComponents return a Component[] - You’re storing that in your factory variable - now factory is a Component[] - In your next line, you’re assigning factory[6] which is a Component to SND_toggle_item which is an AudioSource - which inherits Behaviour, which in turn inherits Component. In other words, an AudioSource is a specific type of Component. So in your assignment, you’re trying to assign a Component to an AudioSource - Component is higher in the inheritance tree, than AudioSource - In C#, that assignment would give you an error, in JS it appears it’s giving just a warning (Another reason I don’t like JS) - It appears it’s automatically (implicitly) doing the downcast, meaning it’s down-casting factory[6] to an AudioSource to reach equivalency and type-match in your assignment. (Remember, when you assign Y to X, there has to be a type-match between them, otherwise the assignment is invalid)

I hope it’s clear now.