Imporing Maya file is freezing Unity

I have a Maya file of a character that I’m trying to import to Unity, but have run into a strange problem… Unity freezes completely. If I try to add it when Unity is open, Unity will become completely unresponsive, and if I add it to the program folder before opening the Unity project, the project will never open.

No warning messages are given for the reason. I’ve tried importing a simple FBX object, and that worked fine, so Maya’s import of FBX is working. Does anyone have any insight as to what might be happening here? I’m going to try to narrow down the problem, but any insight is appreciated.

EDIT: Without me actually doing anything, it has all started working now. No bugs. On one hand, I’m glad, because I can now get work done, but on the other hand, it wasted two hours of my life. Glargghptargl.

Unity 3.5 ? if it’s 3.5 it might be from a bug cuz it’s beta
or maybe a crash

Nope, 3.4.1.

There’s a new problem, though. My character has three animations, and each animation is in its own file (named accordingly… i.e. character@walk, character@jump, character@run). Two of those animations will play when added to the same character mesh, but one will not. They all have the same rig… any reason why they wouldn’t all work together?

hi i’m a maya user too and for far for the whole thing about the crash i’m using maya fbx version 2009 so works fine.
now as for importing separate animations just bring the file and in the import settings from unity you have to write down the frames for the split animations, pretty much what i’m trying ot say sometimes maya doesn’t always reconizes the animations clips so the way i have it done is first make the character with whichever animations one it for example idle,walk,run. when animating in maya i use al the frames and don’t use the animation clip so for example 1-23 walk 24-25idle etc. bring the file into unity and on the split animations settings write down the frames for each animation. now let’s say you are using the rig again in maya and adding a jump animation and it’s like from 48-60 bring that model normally in unity as fbx and do the same thing as the beggining model pretty much the split animation part where you write the frames on that file but you only need to do the jump in this case
now in order to put the jump animation for example into the character that’s already on your scene first thing would be for of the models oviously has to have same rig, secon in unity on the import setting the scale factor has to be the same for both sides. so i fyou needed to scale the model make it smaller or bigger don’t scale it in unity regularly using the scale tool use the scale factor instead to ger the right size then every time you import the model need to be the same scale factor as the main model.

now click on the model that’s on the scene and where it says animations in there just increase the size then on the import setting of the new imported model if you open up the little folds you will see your animation listed in there andjusr drag and drop into your model animation list and there you go it will work like a champ. good luck.

Might I suggest rereading what you wrote? It was a bit tough to get through. Capital letters are your friend.

That being said, I hadn’t tried importing all of the animations into one file in Maya, and then splitting the animations in Unity. That may be a good work-around… thanks for reminding me of that approach.

EDIT: Finally figured it out. It was actually a naming problem. In one of the animations, the parts of the body had a prefix in front of the name (Anim1:charactersname), whereas the other animations didn’t have that prefix. The animation applies itself to named objects, and didn’t know what to do.