I try to import character + animation from 3DS Max 2008.
All fine, but, when I try to split animation, I loos all. All keys is wrong and from 4 animations I have onlly first (idle) and a part of last (must be run), but this part is from second animation (jump).
What’s wrong?
If I do not split animation, my animation still presented and can be played.
I tried to set up “key frame reduction”
I tried to set up “loop frame”
I tried all.
has any one else had this problem and has any one found a fix for this?
Hi Neodrop,
is it possible for you to send an e-mail to support@unity3d.com with a copy of the .MAX file you are importing?
I’ve come across a few issues like this and I’d really like to get to the bottom of it asap
I’ll do as soon as possible.