import Cardboard SDK, package Initialization not completed error, also git not found

I’m trying to get the google Cardboard SDK for unity sample working, instructions here:
unity version 2020.1.13f1 personal

I’ve installed Git and added Environment variables path.
C:\Program Files\Git\git.exe
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd

restarted unity

“add package from git url”:
Cannot perform upm operation: Unable to add package [GitHub - googlevr/cardboard-xr-plugin: Google Cardboard XR Plugin for Unity]:
No ‘git’ executable was found. Please install Git on your system then restart Unity and Unity Hub [NotFound].See console for more details

Second (This should work the same right?)
unable to get the git from url working, I downloaded the package to a folder,
“add package from disk”

It does load up the package, but with this error:

Cardboard XR Plugin package Initialization not completed. You will need to create any instances of the loaders and settings manually before you can use the intended XR Plug-in Package.

I followed all other instructions in the link, everything else works and deploys the app without error, but it black screen crashes unless you disable
project settings>XR plug in management > initialize XR on startup

…so basically im having problems with that package initialization when first imported…and i’m unsure if getting the package from “git from url” would make a difference or not

ok first, I did have the environmental variables wrong, corrected them, still wouldn’t work.
full cpu restart and git works now. Variables were:

C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd

But same problem
Cardboard XR Plugin package Initialization not completed.

that error (actually it was a warning) wasn’t the problem:
saga ends here:

In my case (of installing AR + VR: Mixed Reality (MR) camera) I need to install the previous version of Google Cardboard SDK from releases section, and when I just copy contents of Google archive to assets folders then I get: "Cardboard XR Plugin package Initialization not completed" warning and stereo view with environment rotation don’t work.

So to solve the issue, you just need to manually install package dependencies of Cardboard XR Plugin when you can see in packages.json file of Google archive:

  • XR Legacy Input Helpers
  • XR Plugin Management