Import Export Cinemachine Cameras to Maya + After Effects + FBX. Bake Camera Keyframes?

Hi @josterday ,

You have the right workflow:

  1. bake the animation of the CM Brain camera with the recorder
  2. add the baked animation to a new camera in the scene and export the camera*

*Alternatively you can also export the recorded animation from the timeline:

  1. create a new camera
  2. add it to the timeline with the recorded animation
  3. select the recorded animation and from the top menu select GameObject > Export Selected Timeline Clip…

Here is a video that also shows the workflow (from 0:19 - 0:47):

As for not seeing the animation in Maya, would it be possible to send me the recorded anim file?

Here are also a few things to try/check:

  1. check that the animation applied to the new camera can be played back in Unity (otherwise it will likely not be found by the exporter either)
  2. create the new camera at the scene root instead of parented under an empty object and apply the animation directly to the camera
  3. try unchecking “Record Hierarchy” in the recorder when recording
  4. when exporting the new camera, check that in the Export Options either “Animation Only” or “Model(s) + Animation” is selected under “Include”.

