Import FBX Error

Errors show up when I tried to import FBX or Blend files. It disappears when I disable the animations. And Only one animation shows up when I make them. What can I do?

Unity Version: 2021.3.7f LTS

(It breaks the whole project when I try to upgrade it to the newer version)

I also tried to set the “Start” frame to 1 in Blender but that didn’t do anything. And it breaks the model when I switch the rig to Legacy.

Here is the .blend file

This seems to be a blender 3.3 issue, that is already reported in the bug tracker: #99876 - FBX exporting animation with 1 fps - blender-addons - Blender Projects
The latest version where it worked for me was 3.2.2 (which you can download here Index of /release/Blender3.2/)

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Oh, so it is Blender bug. Thank you, pal!