import issue

I had some clouds as a background in a Unity 4.6 or 4.7 project.

Then I imported the project in Unity 5.3.4f1.

Somehow there is now a lot of blackness there now.

Anyone know what might have happened here?


It might be that you need to turn up the light in the editor. In Unity 5 there is a new system for handling lighting which is quite diffirent than what you have in Unity 4.x so that might be the caurse, try getting an until shader or setting the shader to Unlit of the cloud material and see if that helps.

I created a new project and then imported the Standard Assets for 4.6 from the Unity Asset Store in order to bring in the skyboxes. Then, in the Lighting area, I looked at the skyboxes, and it looks like a lot of them have the blackness issue:

Does anyone know how to get SkySunny03 to work in Unity 5.x.x?


I found some info on this here:

Apparently, there is a “Fix Now” button if you go into your assets and find the skybox.