Hi @ @BasilUnity @JoshPeterson @Tomas1856
I’m trying to once again, update 2019.3 ~> 2019.4. (yea I’m a glutton for punishment) The editor is still crashing at the import phase. OBJ file, C# scripts seem to be ok.
It’s happening for 2020.1 as well… What am I doing wrong??
Is there a way to “clean” out the prefabs and making them best ready for import into a new version of the editor?
The “freezing on prefab import” , is it related to this issue in the release notes?
Yes as the above image states, it is a known issue. The fix is in Unity 2020.1.2f1, 2020.2.0a21 and most likely to be announced 2019.4.8f1.
Thanks for the confirmation. . 
I am using 2019.4.20f1c1
the problem still exist
class post_proccess () {
internal static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[ ] importedAssets,
string[ ] deletedAssets,
string[ ] movedAssets,
string[ ] movedFromAssetPaths) {
foreach (string path in importedAssets) {
if (!path.EndsWith(“.prefab”)) continue;
GameObject o = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(path);
class modify_gameobject
public void run() {
for(string path in list){
GameObject go = AsssetDataBase.LoadAsset
new modify_gameobject().run()
the process bar blink with title import (iteration 2)
and never stop unitl the unity process killed