Import of 16bit Grayscale PNG Fails

I have an SVG that I use ImageMagick’s convert utility to create a PNG from. Actually, I do this for several hundred images. Most of them import fine, but I there are a few that imports ok, but then reports that it can’t be read.

What I have figured out is that 32bit imports fine, regardless of grayscale/rgb/etc. However, the ones that are failing to import (it reports file not readable, but I can use pngcheck to verify and either Windows Explorer Preview or any graphics app to open and view it), are 16bit grayscale images.

I have attached the image that fails (it displays fine in the attached files section as well).

I couldn’t find a way to submit a bug report for this, so I put it here.


Use the bug reporter app to submit bug reports; posting on the forums won’t get the report into the system.


Submitted. Never occurred to me to look for it in the help menu … doh! Thanks.