Import process adding vertices to a skinned mesh?

I am currently importing a model from Maya with 248 verts, however when I bring it into Unity the stats tool is reporting that the model actually has 498 verts.

Would anyone know why this might be the case? Could it be that the tri-stripper is adding vertices in order create more strips? Is there any way to control this behavior?

Any advice would be appreciated, as I’m currently trying to optimize the number of skinned verts in this particular model and I am confused by this.


Vertices have to be split in order for normals to work correctly depending on what you have set in the import settings for the mesh. If you turn off “automatically calculate normals” or set the smoothing angle to 180, then that shouldn’t happen anymore.


Thanks, Eric.

Incidentally, if anyone else is interested, I found this older post that delves into the issue fairly well.

Additionally, I believe the “vertices” display in the stats window is currently broken.

Triangles is correct as far as I can remember.

Bye, Lucas

Your 3d application gives you one tris/verts amount and Unity will give you another. This is do to that in Unity extra verts are made every time you have a split UV seam. Max and Maya dont they just count the “physical” amount of tris.