Important: IAP SDK usage of Analytics changed as of version 4.7.0

Archive of Original Post Regarding Unity 4.2.0:

The In-App purchasing SDK version 4.2 now leverages the new Unity Gaming Services Analytics service in order to track purchasing events in your app. This replaces the Legacy Unity Analytics, which is being closed for new projects as of June 22, 2022. To learn more about this change, please read our FAQ . To learn more about the new UGS Analytics, please refer to the documentation.

If you are simply upgrading the IAP SDK from a previous version and you did not previously install the new Unity Analytics SDK 4.0.0, there are no additional programming steps that you need to take. The IAP SDK will automatically fire Transaction and Transaction Failed events, as was done in Legacy Unity Analytics. These can be observed on the new UGS Analytics dashboard.

If you previously integrated Unity Analytics SDK version 4.0.0 into your project, please make sure that you are not manually calling the Transaction and TransactionFailed events if you are using IAP SDK 4.2 or later. It is important to remove these duplicate calls, as you may receive redundant event entries. and this could falsify the perceived user behavior collected using your app.

The Legacy Unity Analytics events will still be tracked for a certain period hereafter. If you are still using the Legacy Unity Analytics dashboard, you will be able to observe the results previously collected for now. We encouraged you to start using the new UGS Analytics dashboard for revenue tracking. Data collected from the Legacy Unity Analytics, up to June 27th, 2023, will be mirrored in the new dashboard for more holistic tracking.

Warning: do not disable the Legacy Unity Analytics service if you intend to use its data and dashboard for revenue and transaction tracking. After June 22nd, 2022, the opt-in period for Legacy Unity Analytics will be closed. After this date, any project that has disabled it will no longer be able to re-enable the Legacy Unity Analytics service.