What’s happening with the mirroring process? It’s been over a month since the master branch received anything from the internal repository.
Last post here was months ago. Any updates?
What’s happening with the mirroring process? It’s been over a month since the master branch received anything from the internal repository.
Last post here was months ago. Any updates?
Some communication from earlier in this thread:
The “few days at most” delay has turned into an unknown amount of time with no communication at all.
Though to be fair who could’ve seen this coming…!!
That’s the issue, a lot of people in this thread were afraid of exactly this. Promises, then it all goes quiet. Everyone forgets about it, and no progress is made. Seems to be the case so far, it’s been months since the first post, and months after the last post with seemingly no progress, in a way it’s worse than before as the master branch received nothing for over a month now, not even manual commits from the internal repository.
Yeah. On the one hand I’m disappointed and not surprised, because it’s a familiar thing across Unity.
On the other hand, this impacts my job quite heavily (I was at a point in my project the past few months where I didn’t have to care about it very much, but that’s changing). The way this has shaken out is honestly unacceptable for a professional tool and service like Unity.
EDIT: This was a pinned thread until recently, and now it’s not despite major parts of the changes supposedly still being WIP. What is going on? Combined with everything else I’d almost think Unity is trying to bury it. I hope that’s not true.
Hi everyone,
another update on our progress.
Our internal developer services team has accelerated (and largely completed) two large multi-year internal migration projects. Our internal repo is now also switched from mercurial to git for all release branches and the CI and test infrastructure is being unified for packages and the Unity editor. This will tremendously simplify future process improvements. However, the changes knocked out the mirror service and delayed new improvements a bit since the team was fully occupied. We are now looking into getting the mirror service back up and running and get back to the regular cadence of mirroring roughly bi-weekly.
The plan is still to mirror out a staging branch. We need to set up more elaborate CI and automated test coverage to ensure a certain level of quality with the staging branch, both for our developers and for you if you want to cherry pick PRs. The automated CI depends on the unification of the CI between packages and the Unity editor. With the large migrations going on it’s hard to predict when this will be completed exactly.
quick update, a very large file landed in our repo that is blocking the mirroring of the master branch to the public repo. The other branches have recently mirrored. I hope we can mirror master in roughly 10 days.
To think that without public repositories, we wouldn’t have glorious commits like this…
Any news? Will the master branch be a part of the next mirror?
It’s now been about 4 months since this update, 8 months since starting to move forward with the staging branch changes, and a whole year since the initial repository change.
The most recent two merges were over a month apart(!), and the staging branch change hasn’t happened yet as far as I know.
Is there an update for when things will be at the level talked about last July? So far things have been slowly regressing more and more over the past year. The repository is getting less usable because of it. Some concrete plan updates for stopping and reversing those issues would be appreciated.
The time between reporting a bug and being able to grab & confirm a fix for people working actively with SRP has not improved due to this change either, it has actually gotten worse. I’m currently stuck in this process regarding a couple of bugs, and have enough first hand (pre-2022) experience to compare.
None of this would be a problem if things got actively used and tested internally, but we all know this is not the case. There are features that have landed in SRP, broken, and stayed broken for 1 to 2 years. Automated tests currently do not have enough coverage to rely on, so streamlining this process with the SRP community who actively use and test the product is critical.
Ignoring voices and concerns, no communication, false promises, introducing massive delays and obfuscation through squashing commits together is not the way things should be headed if there is genuine interest to improve the situation.
Happy to give an update.
On the latest delay: because we mirror out PR descriptions, we sometimes ran into the issue that these contained confidential information. This slowed down the mirroring. We’ve just added another automated step in the process that will automatically redact these messages so we should from now be able to keep the regular cadence without interruption. You can already find a few commits in the repo that have automatically redacted messages.
In general, the large internal tech migrations have been completed and the results are really good.
Complex PRs are now landing much much faster in our internal repo. This means that we don’t need to have the development overhead of managing a staging branch to get fixes to you fast. You’ll start to see smaller changes landing per PR because of this. And in general, changes are now being shipped with the engine many weeks faster than what was ever the case.
The large migrations have now unified our CI systems and this is where things really get interesting. We have been focusing on adding much more SRP test coverage on all our platforms to prevent regressions. Huge process has been made here as well. And we continue to work on this in the next months to ensure a constant high quality, even in alpha/beta releases.
How can I find out what hash URP or Graphics 17.0.3 has?
As vlery indicated and asked two years ago
there don’t seem to be any current tags in github
Can we please get tags matching the releases?
Some of the other Unity packages have tags on github.
Yes, I am wondering why the most recent pipeline up here is 10.X. I need 14.0.7 and newer. Where can I find these branches? by tag # or otherwise.