Imported FBX file won't show texture

When i import a fbx file (exported from cinema 4d) i cannot see the texture. It just goes the average colour of the texture.

Playing with the tiling and offset changes nothing, neither does changing the shader.

The files i’m importing are simple files so a plane and a cube.

Any help would be great.

Welcome to the club, I have the same problem, using Cinema 4D R11.0 and Unity 2.6 (same on 2.5). The really nice help I got so far from here: Make sure you have it UV mapped! I did so, but same problem, no textures. It looks like its not so easy peasy as its described… I hoped it would be fixed in 2.6, but unfortunately not.
I also tried to export/imprt as FBX and 3DS, but all the same. Once it just got black but that was it. All this on a very simple object…

Sorry I can’t tell you more than that…


O well, thanks for your help.

What fixed it for me was when I exported my cinema file as a 3ds file. for some reason unity couldn’t import my UV data directly from my c4d file. as soon as I converted it to 3ds it worked perfectly.