I had the 3d model author tick “embed media” when exporting from Autodesk. The import adds a .fbm folder in my Assets. The .fbm folder contains the images and there is a populated “Materials” folder added as well. But still when I drag the model on to the stage, it is transparent. I thought maybe its just scaled down but that wa snot it either — what am I doing wrong here?
Sounds like the material being used has a transparent shader.
Change the shader or alter the color so it has full alpha.
Unless I’m missing something, my materials don’t have a transparent shader…
Remove the albedo map to test. In Standard shader transparency is derived from the alpha channel of the albedo texture.
Not sure how to “remove the albedo to test”
Can you post a screenshot of the transparent model?
Above you can see the Model in the scene (1) and the Model in the Inspector.
I cant see the model in the scene, Is the perspective inside of the building?
Are you sure this is not a backface culling issue?
Exactly, The model is transparent… doesn’t matter what the perspective is (top , left , right etc…) , I can’t see the Model in the scene.
Can you see the model in wireframe? I don’t think its transparent, i think its just not there or it could be very small. How do you know scale is not the issue?
I scaled x and y waaaay up
I’m going to agree with @karl_jones based on how the first image looks in post #7. It looks like the camera is inside the building, and the building is scaled up, and the inner walls are transparent, or the wall normals are facing away from the camera making the walls look transparent.
Edit: And the viewport might be in wireframe mode.
Suggest importing a normal fbx file of the object without the process you listed in your first post into a new blank project/scene.
Anyway - to remove the albedo map - click on the little circle thing next to the albedo map file name and then select none.
Or just apply another texture on it in the albedo slot you know does not have an alpha channel - a solid color jpg.