imported model with rig not attached? (maya related)


I came accross a lot of problems when it comes to import models or animations in unity…

But first things first: I finally rigged my first model in maya, exported them both as fbx, imported it in unity… and here comes the troubles.
When i create an avatar from it, from humanoid rig option, all my bones get recognized well but the preview is messed up. The bones does not match the mesh for the arms, pressing T pose doesn’t change anything as it move the bones but not the mesh.

In fact i’m pretty sure the bones and the mesh are not attached at all because:

When i press play (after attaching an animation and set the avatar) the character is not animating but in the editor if i press pause and select a bone, I can see it is animating alone in the “background”.

So my question is : Why my squeletton and my mesh are attached in maya and not in unity?

Since it seems it should work i looked further in the fbx export options. I found an option called input connections which was unticked, looked on internet, see that was supposed to be ticked by default, try it with no success, try other options with still no success… Anyway i want to know if my settings sounds normal or not so i post a screen: here


Found it!!

I followed my intuition, that was indeed in the fbx export options… Here are some things i found on internet and apply, i’m not sure what did the trick:

General Options - > check default file extension

under include → only smooth mesh is checked and reference container content

under animation - > check animation

under bake simulation → check bake simulation

under deformed models - > deformed models and skin is checked (although I don’t believe you can use deformed models

uncheck cameras and uncheck lights

scale factor - > centimeters

FBX file format → ASCII

FBX → 2013

I also changed the convert NURBS option to Software render mesh and untick automatic under scale factor, if that can help other beginners like me. :wink:

Thanks for the help!