the Boxes are grayed out (disabled), so i cant change the rotation before adding them to a scene, which means in need to rotate every f*ing object in the scene back to normal. i have searched the settings an didn´t find any option to disable that sh. the problem applies to all models i want to import, not to a specific one
i am aware that Blender and Unity are using different coordinate systems and i can handle that by rotating the final model in blender itself.
Exporting as .FBX while using the ‘apply transform’ option seems to fix this for me, using the settings in the screenshot I’m getting the object in with default rotation and scale. You might have to update Blender to see the option though.
Maybe it’s a lingering Unity import setting, have you tried deleting the asset and putting a fresh FBX export there?
I’m using Unity 2019.2.19f and Blender 2.79b, works fine from the first go.
Quite strange, though I should ask if the angle is a problem at all? If you need a default rotation you can just put the model as a child of an empty gameObject. You can still try putting multiple models in the same blend file, since that changes the way the transforms are imported. Otherwise I’m out of ideas.
anyway, don´t beak your heads further. on top of all the other crap unity has thrown at me in the last 10 days this is just so ridiculous that i will quit with unity here. i was just curious if i can use it as a good engine and multi plattform kit, (thats why i gave it a try) but i am done with that. Rather going back and continue on my own little engine that is not bloated up with all kinds of s**t i dont need and that doesn´t work. - Also don´t wanna know what comes up next or in a few months that doesnt work as needed and wasted all my time with trying to get something to work that won´t.
Nevertheless, thanks for trying to help me and your´s spend time!
I’m sorry that you encounter such type of issues on your workflow with Unity. We’re focused on helping our users to have the best experience that we can.
If it’s not too much to ask, you can submit the bug that you found here: Unity QA: Building quality with passion, in order for us to be able to find why it’s happening more in-depth, solve it and avoid the same situation happening in the future.
I don’t know for sure that it’s the same problem but I just encountered this. It’s fine when I just place a blender file in assets when there is a single model in that file but when they are multiple models the sub models all have the -89.98 rotation on the x axis. I want to animate the sub models separately and it becomes a pain to deal with. I’m probably going to separate them into different files but it seems like a lot of work for no reason.