Importing 3d objects and texture at run-time through server

I’m trying to figure how can I load models and textures in the most efficient way with Unity3D at run-time (For example, apps like IKEA with AR - they have many models in the app, I want to be able to instantiate them really fast, without having them locally on my app) , so far I’ve read about glTF formats, Draco API, and currently I’ve implemented a simple procedure which works really slow. I’m using BestHTTP and for textures I’m doing this:

    var texFoundPath = Directory.GetFiles(outFolder, texFileName, SearchOption.AllDirectories).Single();
                                Debug.Log("Loading texture from " + texFoundPath);
                                var texBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(texFoundPath);
                                Texture2D tex = new Texture2D(2,2);

And using ObjImporter for importing objects.

    var gameObject = ObjImporter.Import(objStr, mtlStr, textureHashtable);

So at run-time, models that are 3-5mb takes up to 3-5 seconds to load. Which is very slow and not suitable for anything. Doing this locally will result in a 200-300mb apk if I have around 100 models.
So currently I’m looking for a way to do this efficiently, and would love your help. I think it’ll be the best to load the models with Draco API. but my I’m not sure how to create the plugin that will communicate with that API.

Is there any reason you can’t package them all into an asset bundle and download that instead? This would at least let Unity do the import for you and let you load everything async. And you could cache it.

It’s not fast enough. It’s the same speed as the one I’m currently using.

But it can at least be async so you’re not just hanging there not able to do anything. If you’re talking about loading 100s of models at 3-5mb a piece I don’t think you’re going to find a way to do it “fast” so you’re better off trying to improve the experience of loading all that data.

Eventually I want to load a 2-3MB model within 0.2~0.5s maximum.
I believe it can be achieved using Draco API. which is about 10 times faster than the glTF loader (which I already checked and it does load the models faster, but still not making the user-experience natural).

Please note we’re currently not using Amazon server, but some free one. I believe it should increase the speed dramatically when we transition into using AWS.