Importing a camera view not working

I would like to import a scene created in Daz into Unity.

The problem I am running into is that some items when imported are out of place compared to the scene in Daz. I’m thinking that has to do with grouped items in Daz and their root / child translation values.

But worse, the cameras rotation is way off when the imported Daz camera values are applied to the Unity camera. And there doesn’t seem to be a consistent workaround for this.

Changing the Unity cameras X and Z rotation from negative to positive values, and rotating in Y by 180 works some of the time, but not when Y isn’t 0 when imported. Then the views no longer match. Adding or subtracting the Y value from 180 doesn’t work either.

I will be using pre-rendered backdrops (Daz) in Unity for a 2.5D game, and I need the game camera view to match the Daz camera at render time, so that my characters fit the perspective of the backdrops.

The scenes are exported from Daz as an FBX file, and for most parts this is working well, except for matching the camera views.

Any thoughts on taking a scene - including camera - into Unity?
I would be surprised if this issue only exists with Daz exports.



No one here has ever imported a scene from a modelling package into Unity, with a given camera position and viewing angle?