Importing a model that uses 2 texture maps?

I’m using xsi to export out a .obj model file and then importing it into Unity. My model is using 2 texture maps, each applied to a seperate cluster.
Unfortunately I can’t work out how to get 2 textures to show? Or even if this is possible. For other (single texture) assets I’ve just brought them in and selected a texture from a dropdown. However this time each time I select the texture it’s applied to the whole model…

Could someone explain to me how I achieve this?

Did you set the projection for each material in XSI?

In the image node there is a drop down box so you can specify which UV projection each material will go under. In your case set both to the same projection.

Normally, you use two projections if the object requires a lightmapped shader.

Hope this helps


Thanks for the reply SKSFennec.

Hmm I’ve never applied seperate textures like that. I’ve always just popped each new texture on a cluster.

If I do things this way I’m still not seeing how I choose and apply each texture within Unity?

Would you mind explaining to me exactly what I’m supposed to be doing once I’ve imported the obj into Unity? I’m a bit lost! :frowning: All I seem to be able to do is simply apply a single material each time…

EDIT, I think I’ve fixed it by going the FBX route. As soon as I loaded the object from a fbx file all its clusters show up in Unity’s Inspector! This however causes another problem but I’ll make a new thread about it as it’s not really related to this one!