Okay I’m sure this is something I’m doing wrong on my end, I just don’t know what it is.
I am exporting as fbx in Lightwave and loading up the asset in Unity 2.5 (windows xp sp2) The preview looks fine on the bottom right corner as can be seen from the screenshot, but the character has exploded into pieces in the actual game. Is this due to me using IK in Lightwave? Do I have to bake out the bone animation or something? Just wondering if anyone has experienced this problem before and has a solution.
Unity doesnt support IK-animation for the time being, so thats probably what makes your model explode. Try baking out your IK-animation in Lightwave and re-export. That should work
Trying all sorts of baking techniques in lightwave and it’s still exploding in Unity. Is there anyone here who successfully imported animated models from lightwave into Unity?
I really wish Unity supported Lightwave better.
Kinda losing days on my demo of Unity since I can’t even get my character model imported…
I don’t know about lightwave , but commonly for standard game export, generally you shoudl end up with a model and his animation baked onto the skeleton, then this skeleton should be fully FK ( no Ik at all ) and also have all the constraints for it removed (if you use control object to manipulate the skeleton for example).
sorry I don’t use lightwave so i can’t be specific to it , have you tried to import your fbx into other software ( if you can ).
I am having this exact same problem with the only difference that I’m working in 3ds Max rather than LW. Identical problem. Looks great in Max, export to FBX, import to Unity, Character is in all the pieces rotated and thrown about arbitrary angles.
What in the world is causing this?
I feel like the main problem lies in the FBX exporting.