Importing DTED data


Had a gem or two dropped in my lap and was wondering before I got cracking if anyone has imported and tessellated DTED data in Unity in realtime? Potentially have to visualize LIDAR data also. I am required to do this realtime so there won’t be any of the editor terrain import options available to me.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Both should be possible as long as you’re pulling them in a file format that’s readable by Unity. For example, if the DTED or LIDAR data is pumped out as a massive text file then you’re golden as you can easily pull in that file, parse it and use the data to build/modify a mesh on the fly. If the data is provided in a binary format not natively understood by Unity then there may be some work involved to create a reader/importer, but that’s possible as well.

I’ve done LIDAR visualization in real time over TCP/IP using a particle system. Pretty straight forward.