Importing FBX rigged character to unity - missing bones

In blender if you create a rig with rigify it creates a bunch of extra bones that unity does not seem to use when you import it. Example: the blender rig will create a 4 extra “palm” bones for each hand but in unity only the finger bones are set in the avatar.

Is this a problem? Or do the mesh weights still work fine if the avatar does not show those bones?

Also, the spine6 bone is supposed to go to the top of the head area but when importing in the avatar config it shows it connecting to the jaw bone. Is that going to cause issues? If so then how do I edit it?

Or do I not need to worry about anything with the avatar and just start animating?

if rigging blender doesn’t work, you can try importing Unity’s example humanoid model in Starter Asset and use that Armature as a base to set up your rigging.

Or upload your character to Mixamo and use Mixamo automate rigging function. Their humanoid rig works well with Unity.

If you plan to create animations directly in Unity, that’s fine. However, if you want to create them in Blender and then import them, there might be issues.

Ya nothing it working. No matter what I do scaling is off, positioning is off, when trying to play an animation some bones snap to the root… its a complete mess.

I am trying to use blenders rigify and then animate in blender and export to unity. How do you manage to do it?

When I generate a rig in blender it creates a bunch of new bones with weird names and unity cannot create an avatar from that… keeps saying missing bone, etc.

For other people having issues with importing blender animations/rigs to unity then save yourself the headaches and use the generic rig instead of humanoid rig.